Pay cost of fencing repairs $500
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Pay cost of fencing repairs $500. Landing on this square seems like a bit of a nuisance. It is much better than landing on drought – for sure! But it niggles away and eats into profits. In the early part of the game $500 is a big part of your start-up capital, so you need to watch your spending, so you have enough money to pay for the unexpected.
Living on the land, running a farm is quite unlike most other jobs. A really big part of farming is juggling all the routine non-urgent jobs like repairing fences, in between all the essential jobs, like feeding out the hay, or shearing the sheep. In real life it is easy to forget about “repairing the fences”, until one day the stock are wandering over the road. The Trigwell Case was an important legal case that relates to liability for damages from stock wandering loose. More…
Playing a game of Squatter, draws attention to the complexity of farming and the wide range of tasks to be undertaken.